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Health Economist (freelance/project-based, home-based)

MTRC is looking for a fully autonomous, experienced health economist with the ability to develop health economic models from scratch to join our team on a project (freelance) basis during periods of high demand for health economic projects at our company.

MTRC will request support for specific projects. MTRC will provide overall guidance, methodological support, and support with costing in individual countries. Candidate shall be able to scope the project, perform and report search for necessary clinical, cost and utility data, develop an overview of proposed methodological approach, develop a model in MS Excel, report results and perform general communication with the client.

Due to high autonomy and high-demand projects, our offer provides a unique opportunity for a qualified specialist.


  • Master degree or higher (e.g., MS, MPH, MBA, PhD) or equivalent. Formal training in health economics, public health, policy analysis, epidemiology, biostatistics or related discipline preferred 

  • Ability to develop cost-effectiveness and budget impact models in MS Excel from scratch. Experience with models in MS Excel should be proven 

  • Understanding of financing and costing principles for health care system of at least one European country (preferably, England, Germany or France)

  • Good writing and speaking English language

  • Proven record in development and publishing results of health economic analysis (at least two publications in peer-reviewed journals)

The position is home-based.

Candidates should send their CVs, including the list of publications, to

For recruiting companies: we are not seeking support in recruitment.